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Endoscopic totally closed chest mitral repair
Endoscopic Mitral Repair in Severe MAC: Permissive Decalcification to Achieve an Effective Repair
Endoscopic Robotic Mitral Valve Repair with Percutaneous Cannulation (T. S. Guy, MD) June 25, 2020
Minimally Invasive Robotic Mitral Valve Repair Animation
Endoscopic Double Valve Surgery: When, How and Why (Skills Corner Session @EACTS 2021)
Physiologic Mitral Repair: Latest Innovations and Technical Show-Case
3D Totally Endoscopic Mitral Repair in a Patient with Pectus Excavatum & Previous PDA Division
51. Minimally invasive repair for mitral valve regurgitation | T. Kofidis
Fourth-time Redo Mitral Valve Replacement in a Jehovah's Witness Patient (3D totally endoscopic)
ECS beating heart or fibrillating
Redo Endoscopic-Assisted A2 Mitral Repair with Fibrillatory Arrest
endoscopic mitral valve repair surgery